Experiencing unbelievable amount of stress
I'm not suppose to be blogging now, but if I continue thinking about my college, I'll really just snapped. I'm really 99.91% to breaking down right now....
I've so many questions which I don't know how to do for my Math B homework, and I've to hand it up to my lecturer IN her office tomorrow morning!! On Thursday, I have my Math B test on a chapter which I'm so totally lost in, and my teacher said I really HAVE to pass already, and I've TOTALLY NO confidence in doing so. And to make things worst, Friday is the due date for my English Research paper!! And I have barely started anything, I mean how could I? I'm writing about abortions for minors, and there are totally NO relevant information about any abortions issues in Malaysia on the internet!! I can't even find the current law or statistics of abortion in our country!!! How pathetic is that???? And how can i submit a research paper this Friday??? AND to make things WORST somemore, out of the blues, my "beloved" english lecturer announce today that I'll be the SECOND speaker for the english research presentation, and is on next Thursday!!! AND worst still, I'm the only one who's so unlucky to get forced to use only the OHP to make my presentation just because I did not attend her class last Friday when she was making a survey!!!!!!! Everyone else can happily make powerpoints!!!!!!!!!!
THIS IS ALL JUST DAMN PLAIN CRAZY I TELL YOU!!! HOW MUCH LONGER CAN I TAKE ALL OF THIS INSANE STRESS?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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