Award for the most sarcastic English lecturer...ever!
Today not much time to blog, as I have Math B exam tomorrow, (YES YES EXAM AGAIN!! I have 2 exam every week, MUFY easy?? Yeah right!!) so I'm just going to post up pictures, and type less...
First off, this is a count down of the top 4 most sarcastic statement that my English lecturer wrote in our papers!!
Number 4
Used a wrong word as transition, and you'll get "New transition??"
Number 3
This is what you get for quoting "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" in my english class.... "Oh God! No originality"
Number 2
This is what you get for forgetting to write your name...
This is still the winner..both my friend and my lecturer... "Abortion is safer then child birth.".... "Oh my God!!"
Next thing I want to blog about....
I just came back from First Baptist Church. FBC has asked our Church to play for their Mission Conference. So Ivan has asked my to go there and "Suprevised" their sound engineer for that night.
Anyway FBC is a nice Church, is a big Church, it's sanctuary can fit about 900 people, and I understand why so many people like to get married there, really ideal as it is a auditorium style, so the bride can walk from the main entrance down to the stage passing everyone. It would be really grand.
Anyway, for the sound system (which I'm most interested in), wow, I'm speechless. Let's just say their 2 Mixer alone is enough to buy 2 of my car, and have enough change to mod to 300 HP!! Amazing!! This is roughly what they have... for mixing, the task goes to 2 units of Midas Venice 320 - 32 channel mixer, they use 1 for vocals, and another for instruments!! They have 3 EV speakers as FOH per channel, making a total 6 speakers for FOH, and another 8 smaller speakers for use as "fills". There are 4 EV near field monitors. All this speakers is powered with no less then 7 amps! They even put smaller speakers along the foyer outside the sanctuary!! But wasn't sure how many they have. Drum set was by Pearl (not sure which series), seperated by a cutom built Acrylic drum shield from the other instrument. The drum mics they use was a little weird, it was "FGK" or something like that, haven't heard before, and their drum miking skills are...errr...not really good. But it still sounded quite good, I've experienced MUCH worst!! They also have alot of processors, 4 racks of equalizers, 2 racks of feedback surpression system and a digital effect rack. And because they have so many things to on and off everytime, they have this cool console which will automatically on or off everything in order (e.g. : Like amps off first...followed by effects racks..followed by mixer and so on to prevent spoiling the equipment or overloading when switching on)!! Overall, it was really a privilege to work with that Church sound engineer and also have a chance to be behind a Midas Venice mixing console.
Here are some pics from that Church...
Well before I go for now...
I met this dood on the road while on the way to college, was REALLY irritated by the was he drives, but nevermind, I forgive him. I mean, how can I not forgive this guy?? Quite obviously he failed his undang test...
Or he is either trying to say with his dual P sticker behind "SORRY I'm a noob driver, you can see that I have 2 P's behind!!"
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