Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Trying to learn a new photography skill, where you use a slow shutter speed, and trace a speeding car passing by so the car will be in focus while the background will be blured out...unfortunately, I'm QUITE far away from mastering it...

Oh well, it's a start!

On a totally different matter, I'm on a one week holiday, oh wait a minute, to be more accurate, I'm on a one week STUDY BREAK, and so far, I am really treating it as a study BREAK, yeah..a break from studying! Ahaha...

I'm really bored, anything interesting happening in Malaysia this week??


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Scott Z said...

Good start to learning this technique. It's called panning, btw, and you don't really "master" it -- but with practice you can gain some additional control over the degree of the blur. Take a look at this picture of a horse that I have for sale through a stock photo agency. The background and the horse's hooves are blurred, but the horse's and rider's heads are more or less sharp.
The rule of thumb for most pictures is that your shutter speed shouldn't be slower than 1/focal length -- so to produce the motion blur while panning, you'll want to break this rule.


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